Welcome to our new ANFF-Q Facility Manager!

It is with great pleasure that we welcome our new Facility Manager – Anthony Christian.

Anthony comes to us with over 25 years of operations, personnel and facility management experience and expertise in fabrication and other related fields.

Anthony has over 10 years of history with ANFF-Q, working as the Senior Operations Engineer at our Griffith University Site from 2007 until 2017. Anthony then took on the role of Senior Technical Officer for Griffith University’s School of Engineering and Built Environment where he was in charge of the technical teams across 2 departments and 2 campuses.

Anthony has now returned to the ANFF-Q family and commenced his appointment as ANFF-Q Facility Manager on Monday 11 March. We are all very excited to be working with Anthony again and are looking forward to the coming years of growth and development.