Imaging & surface characterisation
Atomic force microscopy suite
The atomic force microscope (AFM) is a scanning probe imaging instrument that allows 3D reconstruction and topography measurements of samples. It also allows the investigation of physical properties of materials. The typical contact radius of an AFM probe is in the order of few nanometres but operation employing the colloid probe technique involves a sensor which replaces the tip with a micron sized bead.
Horizontal resolution, limited by the contact radius of the probe, is of the order of a few nanometres, while vertical resolution can be routinely attained in the sub-nanometre domain. Its sensors can detect interaction forces down to 10-12 Newtons.
The AFM application fields range from material science to electrostatic, magnetic and chemical force microscopy and also DNA imaging and cellular nanomechanics.
The facilities at ANFF-Q cover all major application domains of atomic force microscopy. Along with the MFP-3D, Cypher (Asylum Research/Oxford Instruments) and NanoWizard® II (JPK), ANFF-Q hosts WITec alpha300, a system capable of integrating AFM pulsed force microscopy, confocal Raman spectroscopy and scanning near-field optical microscopy (SNOM).
Examples of use
Characterisation of block-copolymers designed to encapsulate bone prostheses. AFM can be used to create 3D topographic images of the polymer film, to perform roughness analysis, to generate adhesive force maps and to measure interaction force curves or phase images obtained in air or/and fluid.
Microfluidic devices
For microfluidic devices the feature dimensions and surface characteristics are critical to the device design. AFM can provide 3D and 2D topographic images of a device together with cross sections and roughness analysis.
Patterned glass substrates
Patterned glass substrates are fabricated for controlled cell deposition and culture. AFM can be used to create topographic images of the patterned substrate and adhesive force maps of interactions between the cells and the desired areas.
Nano-mechanical measurements
AFM can perform fast, quantitative nano-mechanical measurements of materials ranging from HOPG to DNA. For more information, please refer to the Microscopy and Analysis supplement.
Asylum Research Cypher AFM
A purpose built AFM in a dedicated enclosure to investigate surface nanomechanics and topography.
Material systems:
Organic, inorganic and biological.
30 µm x 30 µm topographical map on a 15 mm diameter substrate
Kelvin probe force microscopy (KPFM), high voltage piezoresponse force microscopy (HV-PFM), scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM), AM-FM viscoelastic mapping mode: quantitatively maps both the storage modulus (elastic response) and loss modulus or loss tangent (viscous response) with nanoscale resolution.
The University of Queensland
PC2 Lab, Level 2E, AIBN (Bldg #75), St Lucia
Instrument Contact:
Asylum Research MFP-3D AFM
AFM built on a Nikon inverted microscope. Used to investigate surfaces materials and take quantitative nanoscale measurements.
Material systems:
Organic, inorganic and biological.
90 µm x 90 µm topographical maps.
Sub-nanometre resolution in Z, Kelvin force probe/adhesion and stiffness maps, conductivity maps and single molecule spectroscopy, viscoelastic mapping, magnetic force mapping.
Asylum Research MFP-3D-BIO Inverted Optical AFM
The University of Queensland
PC2 Lab, Level 2E, AIBN (Bldg #75), St Lucia
Instrument Contact:
Bruker Dimension XR AFM
A large sample stage AFM in a dedicated enclosure to investigate nanomechanical and nanoelectrical properties including topography and roughness analysis.
Material systems:
Organic, inorganic and biological.
100 µm x 100 µm topographical map; can accommodate small as well as large samples including analysis of 8 inch wafers.
ScanAsyst™, PeakForce™ Tapping, Contact Resonance, PeakForce™ QNM – quantification of nanomechanical properties, Kelvin probe force microscopy KPFM), PeakForce™ TUNA, DataCube TUNA – nanoelectrical measurements in Air and liquid environment with nanoscale resolution.
The University of Queensland
PC2 Lab, Level 2E, AIBN (Bldg #75), St Lucia
Instrument Contact:
NanoWizard® 4 XP BioScience atomic force microscope (BioAFM)

Examples of use:
PeakForce Tapping or QI Advanced Imaging modes for easy surface imaging. Dedicated design of NanoWizard 4 XP provides highest mechanical and thermal stability, which provides great advantage on live cell surface imaging and mechanic property measurement. Electrochemistry measurements. Mechanical property test with temperature control. Correlate optical images with AFM images. Colloidal probe fabrication.
NanoWizard 4 XP AFM combines atomic resolution and a large scan range of 100 µm in one system. It is designed to provide highest mechanical and thermal stability on inverted optical microscopes during long term experiments on samples ranging from single molecules to living cells and tissues. Highest flexibility and upgradeability with a broad range of modes and accessories
Material systems:
Organic, inorganic and biological.
Scan size 100 × 100 × 15 µm3 with the capability to increase z range up to 100 µm.
Sub-nanometre resolution in Z axis, fluid cell, temperature and gas control for biological samples, Celhesion module (piezo crystal 100 µm in Z), optical/AFM image overlay and electrochemical unit.
The University of Queensland
PC2 Lab, Level 2E, AIBN (Bldg #75), St Lucia
Instrument Contact:
Veeco Multimode Scanning Probe Microscope (AFM)
Atomic force microscope used to investigate surfaces characteristics of materials and take quantitative Nano-scale measurements.
Material systems:
Organic, inorganic and biological.
125 µm x 125 µm topographical maps.
Sub-nanometre resolution in Z, adhesion and stiffness maps, viscoelastic mapping and single molecule imaging in Air. PicoForce AFM.
Veeco Multimode Nanoscope IVA SPM
The University of Queensland
PC2 Lab, Level 2E, AIBN (Bldg #75), St Lucia
Instrument Contact:
A confocal Raman AFM SNOM (scanning near-field optical microscopy) system with digital pulse force module. Capable of obtaining information from the sample surface as well as chemical maps.
Material systems:
Organic, inorganic and biological.
90 µm x 90 µm topographical/Raman chemical map.
Sub-nanometre resolution in Z, 532 and 633 nm laser source, stiffness, adhesion maps, 300 nm Raman spot size and 25 µm, 50 µm and 100 µm pinhole.
The University of Queensland
PC2 Lab, Level 2E, AIBN (Bldg #75), St Lucia
Instrument Contact:
Confocal laser scanning microscopy suite
Confocal laser scanning microscopes create 3D images by sequentially scanning samples point by point, or multiple points at once, then assembling this pixel information into an image. As a result you can acquire optical sections with high contrast and high resolution in x, y and z. Confocal microscopes are used in biomedical research and surface analysis in material science applications, offering extraordinary precision in 3D imaging and examination of subcellular structures and dynamic processes.
The facilities at ANFF-Q cover all major application domains of confocal laser scanning microscopy. At ANFF-Q, we have two state-of-the-art confocal scanning microscopes: Leica SP8 with White light laser and Zeiss LSM 710.
Leica SP8 confocal laser scanning microscope (LSM)
Confocal module with patented filter-free spectral Leica SP detector for up to five individually regulatable channels. Highly efficient spectral separation by unique prism design. Leica patented AcoustoOptical Beam splitter (AOBS) provides optimal spectral flexibility with up to 8 laser lines simultaneously. Highly synergistic in combination with prism, Leica SP detector and White Light Laser. Unique selectivity for optimal image contrast, undistorted recording of emission spectra ideal dye separation and exquisite signal efficiency resulting in maximum sample viability.
Leica HyD detector provides supersensitive photon detection making it ideal for low light and live cell imaging. Thanks to its very low dark noise it produces brilliant imagery rich in contract and fidelity for finest details.
The Leica SP8 has two laser lines (405nm, 442nm) and the White Light Laser (WLL). The (WLL) is a fully tunable super continuum laser with up to eight simultaneously usable lines in the range of 470 – 670 nm for maximal spectral flexibility in combination with AOBS and SP detector. In conjunction with internal HyDs time gated detection is enabled. Huygens Software package for confocal extracts the most information from your confocal images. By increasing the contrast and image resolution it helps to discover detail not seen before. Confocal super-resolution down to 140nm laterally in conjunction with HyDs and HyVolution and a factor of 2 increase in axial resolution. Huygens can be flexibly combined with any confocal imaging modality and facilitates true, non-sequential multi-colour imaging.
Examples of use:
Leica SP8 can be used for imaging different samples ranging from live cells to biopolymer/polymer films. It can also be used to perform Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET), different time series as well as bleaching experiments such as Fluorescent recovery after photo-bleaching (FRAP). One can obtain 3D images and tile scans on a range of samples. The HyVolution functionality is useful for fast scanning of live cells. The resonant scanner increases the speed of imaging approx. line frequency of 16000 Hz (bidirectional) and up to 28 frames / sec. at 512×512 frame size.
Confocal laser scanning microscope for the precise examination of range of samples from polymers, biopolymers to microfluidic devices.
Material systems:
Organic, inorganic and biological (autofluorescent or stained samples).
Scan field: 20 mm diagonal maximum.
Built on an inverted microscope; X-Y-Z motorized stage; maximum image resolution is 64 megapixels; spectral detection of 400 to 700 nm; lasers: 405 nm and 442nm; white light laser for 470-670nm; Z range of up to 300 µm; a temperature stage of up to 50 degrees; incubation chamber with 35mm petri dish insert; and has time series measurements. Our Leica SP8 has four air objectives (2.5x, 10x, 20x and 40x), one water immersion objective (40x) and one (63x) oil immersion objectives.
The University of Queensland
Dark Room (No 253), PC2 Lab, Level 2E, AIBN (Bldg #75), St Lucia
Instrument Contact:
Zeiss LSM 710 confocal laser scanning microscope
A confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM) combines high-resolution optical imaging with depth selectivity which allows us to do optical sectioning. This means that we can view visual sections of tiny structures that would be difficult to physically section (e.g. embryos) and construct 3D structures from the obtained images. It scans a sample sequentially point by point or multiple points at once, using a focused laser beam to allow for 3D reconstruction. The pixel information is assembled into an image.
In a conventional microscope you can only see as far as the light can penetrate whereas a confocal microscope images one depth level at a time. As a result you can acquire optical sections with high contrast and high resolution in X, Y and Z.
The Zeiss LSM 710 confocal laser scanning microscope has a high signal-to-noise ratio enabling brilliant imaging even in deep-lying tissue layers. Users can capture high-resolution images of fluorescent structures in living animals and thick tissue specimens, 3D structure of cells and also can perform time series experiments to see changes in the sample. It also allows recording of up to five fluorescence signals in the non-descanned mode. It is a perfect choice for neurobiologists, developmental biologists, immunologists and plant biologists as well as material scientists.
Examples of use:
CLSM can be used for imaging different samples ranging from live cells to biopolymer/polymer films. It can be used to understand cell-nanoparticle interaction to changes in microstructure of plant tissue at different maturity stages. It can also be used to perform Fluorescence recovery after photo-bleaching (FRAP), Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET), different time series as well as bleaching experiments. One can obtain 3D images and tile scans on a range of samples.
Confocal laser scanning microscope for the precise examination of complex biological systems.
Material systems:
Organic, inorganic and biological (autofluorescent or stained samples).
Scan field: 20 mm diagonal maximum.
Built on an inverted microscope; X-Y-Z motorized stage; scan resolution from 4 x 1 to 6 144 x 6 144 pixels; spectral detection of 400 to 700 nm; four lasers: 405 nm, Argon laser 458/488/514 nm, 561 nm and 633 nm; Z range of up to 300 µm; a temperature stage of up to 60 degrees; incubator for 6, 12, 24 and 96 wells; and has time series measurements. Our LSM 710 has three air objectives (5x, 10x and 20x), one water immersion objective (40x) and two (63x and 100x) oil immersion objectives.
The University of Queensland
Dark Room (No 253), PC2 Lab, Level 2E, AIBN (Bldg #75), St Lucia
Instrument Contact:
KLA P-7 Stylus Profiler
The KLA P-7 can be used to measure film stress (tensile or compressive) by measuring changes in the radius of curvature before and after a film has been deposited. This system requires a patterned step to measure step height. If one does not exist consider a non-contact method such as ellipsometry.
The KLA P-7 uses a stylus tip to measure step height, waviness, and roughness of samples. It offers complete high-resolution 2D &3D analysis of surface topography in a versatile platform. The system is capable of scanning up to 150 mm wafers with high resolution. It has adjustable scan speeds and stylus force settings which allow for flexibility with any surface to be measured.
The KLA P-7 Stylus Profiler (contact measurement) nanometre-level film, step and surface measurements.
Material systems:
Standard photoresists, semiconductors, soft and hard materials with vertical step height up to 1 mm in thickness.
Limitations on materials:
No uncured SU8 and photoresists, no soft material that might stick to the stylus.
Limitations substrate size and thickness:
No samples greater than 150 mm in diameter or smaller than 10mm x 10mm
Equipment Configuration :
- Step height: Nanometers to 1000µm
- Sample chuck: 6 inches
- Scan speed: 2-25000 um/s
- Low force with constant force control: 0.03 to 50 mg
- Scan full diameter of the sample without stitching
- Video: 5MP high-resolution colour camera
- Arc correction: Removes error due to arc motion of the stylus
- Production capability: Fully automated with sequencing, pattern recognition and SECS/GEM
- Maximum Range: 1000 microns
- Stylus Tip Radius: 2 and 5 microns
- Step height: 2D and 3D step height
- Texture: 2D and 3D roughness and waviness
- Form: 2D and 3D bow and shape
- Stress: 2D and 3D thin-film stress
Dispersive Raman microscope

Raman spectroscopy, a scattering technique, measures the shift of frequency as a result of the exchange of energy between the incident photon and the material vibrations (or rotations). As such, it can occur nonresonantly and can be measured across the spectral range, although it is most commonly measured in the ultraviolet (UV), visible and near infrared (NIR) regions. Raman is the technique of choice for in vivo applications.
Examples of use:
Raman spectroscopy is a non-destructive, non-invasive practical method of chemical analysis and characterisation that requires no special sample preparation and is applicable to many different chemical species. Because the intensity of a Raman band is directly proportional to the number of molecules giving rise to the band, Raman spectroscopy can be used for both qualitative and quantitative analysis.
For testing, analysis and characterisation of the vibronic and spectral properties of organics and polymers.
Material systems:
Organic, inorganic and polymers.
Individual samples/system analysis.
Raman confocal microscope: 633 nm and 780 nm lasers, 10x & 50x objectives, automated X Y Z stage, video capture.
Nicolet Almega visible dispersive Raman microscope
The University of Queensland
Room 438, Level 4E, AIBN (Bldg #75), St Lucia
Instrument contact:
JEOL IT-300 scanning electron microscope (SEM)

The JEOL IT‐300 is the latest generation tungsten filament SEM with an advanced EOS (electron optic system) capable of imaging with a minimum of 3 nm resolution at 30 kV. This system is equipped with both the secondary and backscattered electron detector for obtaining both topographical and elemental information on the sample material. The IT-300 system is also equipped with variable pressure apparatus that will allow users to image more insulated samples than traditional SEMs. In addition, the JEOL IT‐300 comes with a large chamber and a fully automated 5 axis eucentric stage that will allow users to image a full 6” Si wafer without the need for breaking up their wafers. This tool is located in class 1 000 cleanrooms, allowing users to rapidly develop new processes in the cleanroom without the risk of exposing samples to dust and white light environments.

A JEOL platinum sputtering system is also available to coat samples before analysis.
Metrology tool to allow process development during the etching and other fabrication processes using high magnification and resolution images
Material systems:
Any, as long as the samples are dry and don’t outgas. Nanoparticles must be embedded or fixed onto a surface.
Single and/or multiple sample/system up to 6” wafers.
Max stated resolution is 3 nm however realistic resolutions depend on the sample material and the way the sample is prepared and mounted.
The University of Queensland
Class 1 000 cleanroom, Level 2E, AIBN (Bldg #75), St Lucia
Instrument Contact:
JeoScope scanning electron microscope

The JCM-5000 NeoScope scanning electron microscope (SEM) economically complements both optical microscopes and traditional SEMs. The NeoScope makes it easy to obtain high magnification images with high resolution and large depth of field using a microscope that is as simple to operate as a digital camera, but has the powerful electron optics of an SEM. View samples and capture images at a magnification range of 10 x to 40 000 x without the need to adjust or change lenses. Improve your analysis and imaging with higher resolution, greater depth of field, longer working distances and better surface sensitivity.
Examples of use:
The NeoScope offers high-vacuum and low-vacuum modes, secondary electron and backscattered electron imaging and three selectable accelerating voltages. This allows the user to inspect and image a wide range of samples, capture clear high-resolution images of defects, foreign materials, surface structures, artifacts, biological tissues and forensic evidence.
Metrology tool to allow process development during the etching and other fabrication processes using high magnification and resolution images.
Material systems:
Small samples less than 4” wafer.
Magnification 10x 20K, sample size 70 mm diameter and acceleration voltage of 15 kV, 10 kV and 5 kV.
The University of Queensland
PC2 lab, Level 2E, AIBN (Bldg #75), St Lucia
Instrument Contact:
Leica microscope

The Leica DM2000 digital microscope features bright halogen illumination, a modular design, high-performance fluorescence, and a focus wheel for coarse and fine focusing and height adjustment. The Leica application suite software is an easy and quick software for digital image recording, editing, measurement, output, exchange and backup.
Examples of use:
The Leica DM2000 microscope is ideal for complex tasks in pathology, cytology, and many other applications like in micro/nanotechnology.
Inspection of samples and dimension measurement.
Material systems:
Small sample to 6” wafer.
Five objectives: 5x, 10x, 20x, 50x, and 100x.
The University of Queensland
Class 10 000 cleanroom, Level 2E, AIBN (Bldg #75), St Lucia
Instrument Contact:
Nikon Eclipse Ti-U inverted microscope

ANFF-Q’s Nikon Eclipse Ti-U inverted microscope is a phase contrast and fluorescent imaging microscope equipped with NIS-Elements Advanced Research software, allowing our users to control all microscope and camera functions. The Eclipse Ti-U uses Nikon’s CFI60 optical system and a wide choice of objectives for bright field, fluorescence, phase contrast and differential interference contrast (DIC). Combined with NIS-Elements imaging software, the Ti-U enables diverse image acquisition and analysis methods such as multi-dimensional time-lapse imaging to acquire temporal and spatial information of fast, dynamic live cell processes. This microscope is equipped with the Phantom V9.1 high speed colour camera, from Vision research, has maximum speeds of 1 000 frames per second with a full resolution of 1 632 x 1 200 pixels and 150 000 frame per second at the lowest resolution of 96 x 8 pixels. The Phantom V9.1 has a vertical resolution of 1 200 pixels. It is most probably because of its high vertical resolution that the Phantom cameras are the most popular cameras in the field of micro-fluidics. Phantom V9.1 camera has a higher internal memory, which is useful for making the relatively large movies (up to 30 to 60 sec) required for most of the microfluidic applications.
Examples of use
Image acquisition and analysis of dynamic live cell processes.
Used for 2D and 3D imaging and analysis.
Maximum stage size is 310 mm x 300 mm.
Five air objectives (5x, 10x, 20x, 40x and 60x) and one oil immersion objective (100x). Five filters (405 nm, 488 nm, 560 nm, 585 nm, 632 nm). A monochrome digital camera up to 1 280 x 1 024 pixels and 50 frames per second.
The University of Queensland
PC2 Lab, Level 2E, AIBN (Bldg #75), St Lucia
Instrument Contact:
Renishaw inVia Raman

The Renishaw inVia Raman microprobe provides vibrational spectroscopy information on solid, liquid and gaseous samples. It uses a low power continuous wave laser to excite the sample and the emitted Raman radiation is shifted from the exciting wavelength by the energy that corresponds to the vibrational and rotational Raman active vibrational modes of the sample under investigation with a capability from 8 cm-1. The sampling area limitation is determined by the diffraction limit, and primarily depends on the exciting wavelength. The sensitivity of the technique is determined by the numerical aperture of the collecting optics, the intensity of the Raman emission and the power that the sample can endure without burning or decomposing. For a solid this may be a cubic micron of material with power levels determined by attenuation filters and defocus of the laser. We can obtain Raman spectra for the single crystals used for x-ray structure determination. The Raman effect has a low sensitivity to water and glass (samples can be held in water and sealed in a glass container), it has XYZ position ability, so spectra can be obtained inside transparent samples such as crystals etc. Raman can be combined with complementary techniques like atomic force microscopy (AFM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The AFM NDT-NTEGRA system enables measurement of AFM and Raman spectra at the same position and time on a sample. The NExT filter double monochromator on the InVia instrument enables measurements down to 8 cm-1.
Examples of use:
Spectroscopic analysis of materials, mapping, imaging and observing in situ reactions under electrochemical control synthesis
2D mapping of surfaces.
Material systems:
Inorganic, organic or biological.
Individual samples systems areas to 150 x 150 mm, variable temperature solutions and gas environments, remote operation for hazardous systems.
Wavelengths available: 325, 442, 514, 633, 785 nm.
Renishaw inVia near edge micro Raman, Renishaw 2000 UV Raman microprobe, Renishaw 100 optical fibre Raman, and AFM NDT-NTEGRA.
Griffith University
Room 1.20, Level 1, Science 2 (Bldg N34), Nathan Campus
Instrument Contact:
SCI FilmTek 2000M

SCI FilmTek 2000M is a breakthrough in thin film metrology technology. FilmTek 2000M combines a fibre-optic spectrophotometer with revolutionary material modelling software to provide an affordable and reliable tool for the simultaneous measurement of film thickness, index of refraction, and extinction coefficient. FilmTek 2000M provides unmatched accuracy, ease of use, and analytical power in a fully integrated package. Ideally suited for patterned device wafers, the FilmTek 2000M allows for measurement spot sizes as small as 2 µm.
Examples of use:
Measurement of:
Multiple layer thicknesses
Indices of refraction [ n(ƛ) ]
Extinction (absorption) coefficients [ k(ƛ ) ]
Energy band gap [ Eg ]
Constituent and void fraction
Surface roughness
Characterise thin film properties.
Material systems:
Transparent films.
Small sample to 6” wafer.
Film thickness range: 3 nm to 350 µm (5 nm to 150 µm is standard). Film thickness accuracy: ±1.5 Å Spectral range: 240 nm to 950 nm is standard. FilmTek 2000M measurement spot size: 2 µm to 50 µm Pattern recognition (Cognex)
The University of Queensland
PC2 Lab, Level 2E, AIBN (Bldg #75), St Lucia
Instrument Contact:
SurPASS electrokinetic analyser for solid surface analysis

The SurPASS instrument by Anton Paar is an electrokinetic analyser for solid surface analysis and deals with the properties and behaviour of surfaces of macroscopic solids.
Examples of use
The zeta potential is an indicator for charge formation at the solid-liquid interface. The SurPASS is an analytical instrument for research and development which is used in many fields of applications, e.g. membranes, biomaterials and semiconductors. Knowledge of the zeta potential is important to understand the behaviour of solid materials in many technical and biological processes. Information provided by the SurPASS thus helps to efficiently modify material surfaces to fulfil certain conditions.
Surface charge measurement.
Material systems:
Membranes and filters, polymers and composites, semiconductors, biomaterials, synthetic and natural fibres and textiles, cosmetics and surfactants, mineral powders.
10 mm x 20 mm solid surfaces
Adjustable gap cell 20 mm × 10 mm, thickness <2 mm disks, clamping cell minimum 55 mm × 25 mm, thickness <30 mm, cylindrical cell particle size >30 µm.
Anton Paar SurPASS electrokinetic analyser
Further reading:
The University of Queensland
PC2 Lab, Level 2E, AIBN (Bldg #75), St Lucia
Instrument contact:
VUV-VASE ellipsometer

Ellipsometry is a technique where polarised light is shone onto a sample’s surface at a particular angle of incidence. The types of samples used in such systems are single or multi-layered smooth specimens on the substrate. This technique determines the optical properties such as refractive index, optical constants, absorbance, and film thickness. The use of spectrophotometric ellipsometry also allows us to measure surface roughness. The applications of spectrophotometric ellipsometry vary from the characterisation of optical films—such as anti-reflect surfaces for use in fine optical systems for monitoring—to the characterisation of lithography processes—such as examining the efficiency of producing soft polymeric resists.
Examples of Use:
Examination of semi-conductor films such as SiGe, InGaAs, AlInGaAs for the examination of bulk film properties and interfacial layers thicknesses to test for chip defects.
Monitoring of the manufacture of soft-resists such as poly(MMA)-co-AA used in photolithography to examine film thickness, exposed area.
Examination of anti-reflective coatings such as reststrahlen material for use in optical systems.
The JA Woollam ellipsometer determines information about thickness and optical properties of thin films on substrate.
Material systems:
Organic, inorganic and polymers.
Handles 1 inch or 2 inches wafers.
Measures samples in range of 140 nm – 1 700 nm, goniometer of 40 – 90 degree incident angle using XY stage.
JA Woollam VUV-VASE ellipsometer, GEN-II
The University of Queensland
Room 441, Level 4E, AIBN (Bldg #75), St Lucia
Instrument contact:
Zeiss microscope

The Zeiss AxioLab.A1 upright microscope features 5 position objective nosepiece, 4 position reflector turret, mechanical stage, 50 W halogen light for reflected light, reflector modules for bright field and dark field, binocular phototube with 50/50 split, enhanced contrast EC “Epiplan” HD objectives: 5x, 10x, 20x, 50x and 100x. The system also includes the AxioCam ICc1 colour camera (Fire Wire) and AxioVision software for image acquisition and module for Online and Interactive Measurement.
Examples of use:
Biological samples, MEMS, cytology and immunofluorescence.
Inspection of sample and dimension measurement.
Material systems:
Small sample to 6” wafer.
Five objectives: 5x, 10x, 20x, 50x and 100x.
Zeiss AxioLab.A1 upright microscope
The University of Queensland
Class 10 000 cleanroom, Level 3, Pandanus (Bldg #1022), Long Pocket
Instrument Contact:
Zeta 300 3D optical profiler
The Zeta 300 is a multi-mode optical profiler packed with features. It is a fully integrated, metrology platform that can allows automatic data acquisition and analysis for very complicated structures. The system has four profiling modes:
ZFT mode gives very accurate multilayer film thickness measurement based on white light reflectometry.
ZDot mode is used to profile 3D structures, surface roughness, and resist step heights.
ZX and ZSI mode are vertical scanning and phase contrast interferometry capable of delivery sub nm precision measurement on step heights and polished surfaces.
Examples of Use:
Single and multilayer film thickness measurement, 3D profiling, CD measurement, surface roughness measurement, automated metrology and data analysis.
CD measurement and 3D profiling.
Material Systems:
Sample with surface reflectivity above 0.5%. Polymer film on Si wafer.
Scale/ Volume:
Maximum sample size = 6” substrate, 100 mm thick
Specifications/ Resolution:
White light imaging, interferometric, motorised stage Z resolution < 1 nm using interferometry modes Lateral resolution > 370 nm at 150 X
The University of Queensland
Class 10 000 cleanrooms, Level 2E, AIBN (Bldg #75), St Lucia