ANFF-Qld Facility Access and Training

ANFF-Qld operates two different Hubs within Brisbane:

  • The University of Queensland: ANFF-Q UQ Hub has equipment located in AIBN (Building 75) St Lucia Campus, COPE Lab (SCMB Building 68) St Lucia Campus, and in Pandanus Building on the Long Pocket Campus.
  • Griffith University: ANFF-Q Griffith Hub has equipment located in the Queensland Microtechnology Facility (QMF) as part of the Queensland Micro and Nanotechnology Centre (QMNC Building N74), Nathan Campus. 

Building Inductions may be required for each campus location depending on which equipment is being accessed. 

To access our facilities there are 4 main steps:

  1. Send a query to ANFF-Qld Admin via to discuss your Project objectives. 
  2. Complete an ANFF-Q New Client form to provide us information and authorisation.
  3. Attend an ANFF-Q Hub Building Induction and complete all access requests. 
  4. Setup a training session with an ANFF-Q Professional Officer.

An ANFF-Q Professional Officer will arrange a consultation with you to discuss your project further. 

The University of Queensland (UQ) Hub

Building Access

AIBN Building Induction

Access to all areas of AIBN is controlled by proximity card (UQ identification card) and is restricted to authorised personnel only.

AIBN provides building and laboratory inductions for all new and visiting staff and students. Building inductions are held via zoom, followed by a local induction with the Floor Manager, on alternate Tuesdays at 10:00AM.

ANFF-Q new users will need to attend an AIBN Building Induction to access the ANFF-Q Facility, or request an update to their AIBN Access for Level 2, East Wing Laboratories. 

If you’re not a UQ staff or student, ANFF-Qld Admin will arrange setup as a UQ Associate user and register you for the next available AIBN Building Induction. Please let them know your availability for an Induction when discussing your initial access. 

In addition to attending the AIBN building and laboratory induction, building occupants are required to complete relevant UQ HSW online training modules.

AIBN–UQ Hub Cleanroom Induction

ANFF-Qld L2E AIBN Cleanrooms equipment can be accessed after attending the Cleanroom Access Training. Training sessions are scheduled several times through the month, Fridays 10.30am-12pm. Register for training through ANFF-Qld’s Eventbrite page or email ANFF Administration for more information.  

In preparation for attending an ANFF-Q Cleanroom Access training session, please review the following Risk Assessments available through UQSafe-Risk system before attending the training session. 

Mandatory Risk Assessments for ANFF-Qld Cleanroom Access;

  • Task ID: 17970 ANFF-Q Hydrofluoric acid (HF) Vapour Etcher
  • Task ID: 16377 Class 10,000 Cleanroom

ANFF-Q provides access training for our class 1,000 and class 10,000 cleanrooms located within the AIBN (Building 75, St Lucia Campus). 

Long Pocket–UQ Hub Equipment Training

New users for ANFF-Q Long Pocket Facility equipment will need to first complete the AIBN Building Induction as a New ANFF-Qld User. Once AIBN building access is granted, an equipment training appointment will be arranged with an ANFF-Qld Trainer and an onsite Long Pocket Building Induction will be arranged for the initial training session. 


After setup as an ANFF-Q User in the ANFF-Q Booking System, your initial training sessions will be booked by the advising ANFF-Q Professional Officer. Once training and access is completed, you can self-manage your equipment bookings through the ANFF-Q Booking System.

ANFF-Q Professional officers supervise all New User training sessions, and are available for Facility assistance if required. 

To arrange a training session, contact the relevant ANFF-Q Professional Officer from your initial consultation. For additional equipment access and training use the ANFF-Q Instrument list and contacts page to contact an ANFF-Q Professional Officer for consultation.

Risk Assessments

Once you have completed your training, you will need to read the relevant risk assessments before equipment access is provided in the ANFF-Q Facility Equipment Booking system.

UQ Hub users will need to access the UQ risk assessment database: UQSafe-Risk

To access the UQ risk assessment database when you’re Non-UQ staff or student, complete an Application for UQ organisational unit staff internet access and email it to for authorisation and access.

ANFF-Q Facility Manager should be nominated as the Supervisor for all Non-UQ staff and students. 

Griffith University (GU) Hub

Inductions, training and workplace health and safety requirements

For access to the ANFF-Q GU Hub facilities please contact the ANFF-Q Facility Manager. Once equipment access needs have been determined and agreed upon, the scope of inductions, training and workplace health and safety requirements necessary to access the Queensland Micro- and Nanotechnology Centre and Queensland Microtechnology Facility will be determined.