2022 was a big year throughout the ANFF Network. We would love to receive your feedback on how we performed or where we could have improved. We are asking all users to share their thoughts and experiences through completion of the 2022 Client Satisfaction Survey. Survey respondents are eligible to enter a prize draw for … Read more “2022 ANFF Client Satisfaction Survey”
First of it’s kind in Australia! Next Generation Nano 3D printing
The Australian National Fabrication Facility – Queensland Node (ANFF-Qld), based at The University of Queensland, is excited to launch the next generation nano 3D printing tool MPO 100 based on Two-Photon Polymerization in our new, shiny and renovated cleanroom. The system, developed by Multiphoton Optics GmbH and manufactured by its parent company Heidelberg Instruments, will … Read more “First of it’s kind in Australia! Next Generation Nano 3D printing”
ANFF-Q COVID-19 response summary

Last updated 15/12/2020 9:00am In response to the rapidly evolving COVID-19 pandemic we are modifying our standard operations. Please watch this space for the latest information on access, staffing and services. The broader ANFF network is also coordinating a response to COVID-19, see here for more details. General Access — Normal To meet government guidelines for social … Read more “ANFF-Q COVID-19 response summary”
ANFF-Q clients have developed a cheaper, faster and ultrasensitive biosensor for point-of-care testing

PhD candidate Mostafa Masud and research supervisors Professor Yusuke Yamauchi and Dr MD Shahriar Hossain have developed biosensors that use nanoengineered porous gold which more effectively detect early signs of disease, improving patient outcomes. The method used to create these highly-engineered porous films has been published in the prestigious science journal Nature Protocols following 15 years of … Read more “ANFF-Q clients have developed a cheaper, faster and ultrasensitive biosensor for point-of-care testing”
ANFF-Q clients tackling plastic waste and revolutionising the pharmaceutical industry

ANFF-Q’s Deputy Director Professor Nam-Trung Nguyen from the Queensland Micro-and Nanontechnology Centre is lead researcher developing a microcapsule technology that could fast-track disease diagnosis and reduce plastic waste. Published in AIP Advances, the technology encapsulates tiny droplets with a diameter smaller than a hair strand. Professor Nguyen said an important application of the tiny capsules was in laboratory tests such as disease diagnostics. “This … Read more “ANFF-Q clients tackling plastic waste and revolutionising the pharmaceutical industry”
HEMT – The speed and power revolution in transistors

High Electron Mobility Transistors have taken decades to become commercially available and further improvements are still needed and possible. The high mobility of these devices enables highest switching speeds with higher energy efficiency and tolerant to high temperature that’s necessary for the new emerging technologies, 5G network, wireless charging, Lidar sensing through to power electronics … Read more “HEMT – The speed and power revolution in transistors”
Silicon carbide Schottky diodes for greater efficiency of electric power conversion modules

Electric vehicles will go further. Solar panel inverters and wind generators will provide more energy. Everything from variable speed drive motors to switch mode power supplies for servers powering the internet can all benefit from reduced energy consumption. Commercialisation requires better and lower cost products. The Queensland Microtechnology Facility, part of the Australian National Fabrication … Read more “Silicon carbide Schottky diodes for greater efficiency of electric power conversion modules”
New ANFF-Q Student Award

The ANFF-Q Student Award will cover the costs of the Award recipient’s ANFF-Q access and consumables, enabling them to perform a short-term research project. This Award was created in recognition of the importance of university students developing hands-on technical research skills. Award recipients will receive: 20 hours of ANFF-Q instrument access, training and support from … Read more “New ANFF-Q Student Award”
Silicon carbide – The next generation ultra thin membranes for nano-biological analysis

Silicon nitride membranes are commercially available and widely used as in-situ transparent sample holders for SEM, TEM, STEM, Xray and Synchrotron analysis. However, silicon carbide is a better material – stronger, conductive and more transparent that enables sharper, clearer imaging /analysis. At the Queensland Microtechnology Facility, part of the Australian National Fabrication Facility, we bridge … Read more “Silicon carbide – The next generation ultra thin membranes for nano-biological analysis”
New ANFF-Q training options

We have been working hard to create new training options that comply with the 1.5m social distancing rules and still provide our usual excellent level of knowledge transfer tailored to your research needs. From 1 July, the following training will be available at ANFF-Q: Photolithography training 3D Printers — contact Ravi Chandra Raju Nagiri for … Read more “New ANFF-Q training options”