Register now for the THINKING BIG WITH NANO entrepreneurship workshop.
This workshop will be held 21–22 November and will showcase success stories in research translation in nanotechnology and provide training in skills to help take ideas from concepts to a viable business. This event is presented by The Australian National Fabrication Facility and the Australian Nanotechnology Network in partnership with RMIT University.
Tailored for early-career researchers and late-stage PhD candidates.
Travel and Carer grants are available, see below for more.
Ticket prices range from $50-75.
Early-bird attendees can apply for travel and carer grants (up to 40 grants of up to $600 each available).
Travel grants will be in the form of reimbursement for airfares, accommodation, or related travel costs up to the awarded amount.
Carer grants will be in the form of reimbursement for additional carer costs, travel for accompanying dependent or carers, and any reasonable carer expenses incurred due to event participation up to the awarded amount.
Hear from keynote speakers including industry leaders Dr Elaine Saunders (Blamey Saunders Hears) and Dr Erol Harvey (MiniFAB)
Plus research translation case studies from Australian early- and mid-career researchers and panel discussions on:
• Strategies for creating environments for entrepreneurship; and
• Mechanisms and approaches for protecting intellectual property and building strong partnerships
• Craft your messages for an effective pitch
• Join a fast-paced hackathon to find solutions to industry-defined problems
• Develop your lean canvas with value-driven business strategies
Dr Kyle Berean, Atmo Biosciences; A/Prof. Drew Evans, University of South Australia; Dr Shannon Notley, FlexeGRAPH; Prof. Sally McArthur, Swinburne University of Technology; Prof. Emily Hilder, University
of South Australia; Prof. Justin Cooper-White, The University of Queensland; Dr Graeme Cross, Planet Innovation; Amy Hunter, RMIT University; Mark Douglas, ETHOS Australia; RMIT Redback Innovation
Challenge team; RMIT Activator team.
• Associate Professor Madhu Bhaskaran, RMIT University
• Dr Nadia Court, Australian National Fabrication Facility
• Associate Professor Sharath Sriram, RMIT University
For additional information, please contact