Starting in October, ANFF-Q is hosting a series of free webinars to showcase our new state-of-the-art imaging and characterisation equipment. Please join us and learn about all the cool features and new additions to our facility — many of which are already installed and ready for you to use!
The series will involve a one hour-long webinar every few weeks from October 2020 through to February 2021, presenting the key features and applications of our new instruments and platform upgrades as they come online.
Application examples range from nanoparticle size measurement to investigating surface properties of polymers, hydrogels, biomaterials and more.
Exploring surface characterisation of biomaterials using NanoWizard 4XP AFM (2pm, 28 October 2020)
Learn how the key features of the new NanoWizard4 XP AFM platform at ANFF-Q can enhance your biomaterial surface characterisation.
— If you would like to access the NanoWizard 4XP AFM, please email Dr Kinnari Shelat.
Characterising Nanoparticles and Proteins with the Litesizer 500 (2pm, 18 November 2020)
Learn how the Litesizer™ 500 will improve your characterisation of nano- and microparticles in dispersions and solutions.
— If you would like to access the Litesizer 500, please email Dr Javaid Khan.
Introduction to light scattering, workflow and practical application for polymer analysis (10:30am, 4 December 2020)
Learn how ANFF-Q’s new LC-40 HPLC System and new miniDAWN Multi-Angle Light Scattering detector for SEC-MALS can be used to improve your polymer analysis.
— If you would like to access the HPLC and miniDAWN systems, please email Dr Javaid Khan.
New Dimension ICON XR AFM: fast and easy imaging, and advanced nanoMechanical and nanoelectrical property imaging (2pm, 10 December 2020)
This webinar will introduce the new imaging capabilities available with the Dimension XR and provide insight into potential applications areas.
— If you would like to access the Dimension XR AFM, please email Dr Kinnari Shelat.
WITec Raman upgrade (3pm, 27 January 2021)
This webinar will cover the benefits of correlative microscopy for high resolution structural and chemical imaging of materials. The upgrades to ANFF-Q’s WITec Raman will allow a novel operating concept that combines 3D confocal Raman imaging with other nano-analytical techniques such as epifluorescence, profilometry, AFM, or SNOM.
— If you would like to access the Witec Raman, please email Dr Kinnari Shelat.
BlueDrive Cypher AFM upgrade (2pm, 24 February 2021)
ANFF-Q’s Cypher AFM blueDrive upgrade will use a 405nm laser to cleanly drive the cantilever. The result – higher resolution, better stability and ease of use. Join us for this webinar to learn more about how this upgrade will benefit your research.
— If you would like to access the blueDrive Cypher AFM, please email Dr Kinnari Shelat.