Enabled by ANFF — weekly webinar series

Starting in October, ANFF is hosting six free webinars to celebrate the exciting science being conducted with the assistance of the network. We hope that you’ll join us to hear about the exciting developments that ANFF has been enabling. If you would like to register for the webinar series, please do so by clicking this link. This will … Read more “Enabled by ANFF — weekly webinar series”

Advance Queensland Ignite Ideas Fund now OPEN!

The Ignite Ideas fund provides grants of up to $250,000 to support startups and small to medium Queensland businesses to commercialise market ready innovative ideas. Round 4 is now open and accepting applications until 2pm on Wednesday 9 May 2018. Get professional help in preparing your application through Innovate Queensland’s webinar: Ignite Ideas Fund – Round 4. … Read more “Advance Queensland Ignite Ideas Fund now OPEN!”

GRID Webinar — Staying on Track in the Sportstech Race

E-sports, smart apparel, wearable tech, cognitive performance assessment apps … if you want to know how the latest technologies are disrupting the $US1.5 trillion global sports industry, or need ideas for getting your fitness tech off the starting blocks, this webinar with sports innovation researcher Associate Professor Sarah Kelly will help you hit the mark.  … Read more “GRID Webinar — Staying on Track in the Sportstech Race”

May The Force Be With You: Webinar on investigating biomedical interactions by AFM

How do receptors recognise and bind to ligands? What are the factors that influence the protein complex stability? Why do environmental changes affect cell behaviors? These are common questions raised by biochemists, biophysicists, and cell biologists. Bruker Nano Surfaces Division is running a webinar on how to probe biomedical interactions using Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). Beyond … Read more “May The Force Be With You: Webinar on investigating biomedical interactions by AFM”

Zeta potential seminar now available online

The highly popular seminar on Zeta potential and the measurement of surface charge is now available to view online. Zeta potential is important for understanding the behaviour of solid materials in many technical processes where aqueous systems play a role, e.g. membranes for water treatment, biomaterials in contact with blood or wet processing of semiconductor … Read more “Zeta potential seminar now available online”

Webinar – New nano-fabrication technology opens up new research possibilities

This free webinar will demonstrate the unique capabilities of Nanofrazor thermal Scanning Probe Lithography technology for quick and easy fabrication of high resolution nanopatterns and devices that were not previously possible. It will also include a real-time nano-fabrication demonstration. Webinar Details Date: Thursday August 17 Time: 3pm Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra, Brisbane 2.30pm Adelaide 1pm Perth … Read more “Webinar – New nano-fabrication technology opens up new research possibilities”

Bruker AFM webinar: High-Resolution Imaging and Nanomechanical Mapping of Virus Binding Sites to Animal Cells

The Bruker Nano Surfaces Division is running a free webinar on high-resolution imaging and nanomechanical mapping of virus binding sites to animal cells. Speakers: Prof. Dr. David Alsteens, head of NanoBioPhysics group at Université Catholique de Louvain in Belgium Dr. Andra Dumitru, postdoctoral fellow in the group of David Alsteens at Université Catholique de Louvain in … Read more “Bruker AFM webinar: High-Resolution Imaging and Nanomechanical Mapping of Virus Binding Sites to Animal Cells”