From routine to high-end cell research, from super-sensitivity to super-resolution, from Multiphoton Imaging to CARS—whatever your research is, confocal microscopy offers unprecedented precision in 3D imaging and exact examination of subcellular structures and dynamic processes.
This seminar will include:
- Live imaging with the Acousto-Optical Beam Splitter and the White Light Laser for freedom of fluorophore excitation. Real removal of ‘Cross Talk’ with the Spectral Detector.
- Live cell confocal microscopy innovation using confocal ‘Super Resolution’ and high speed scanning. Nanoscopy (STED) to reach resolutions below 50nm in fixed and live cells.
- The Hybrid (HyD) detectors versus PMTs.
The talk will be followed by morning tea and a Q&A session where you can discuss your application challenges with Dr Stephen Thompson, the Leica Microsystems Applications Specialist for confocal systems and super resolution techniques.
RSVP by Friday 25 November for catering purposes.