Nanoindenter workshops: bring your own samples!

ANFF-Q and Optics11 are providing you with the opportunity to measure your samples during a nanoindentation workshop.

The Piuma and Chiaro Nanoindenters are a novel class of instruments which provide researchers with an easy and effective way of characterising the micro-mechanical properties of a wide range of materials in an accurate and non-destructive way.

Nanoindenters have applications in the fields of tissue engineering, regenerative medicine, biomaterials, (bio)polymers, cell biology, micro-particles, material interfaces, and many more.

Samples can be measured in air (for dry samples) or liquids (for ‘wet’ samples) and at room temperature or higher (up to 60°C).

Bring along your samples and we will explain the new technology and show you how it can obtain the micromechanical data you are looking for.

Workshops will be grouped based on sample type.

To book a place in a workshop, email our Professional Officers:

Dr Elena Taran —
Dr Kinnari Shelat —


Tuesday, 18 April 2017


9:30 – 10:00 am
Introduction to nanoindenter technology
10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Workshop 1
1:00 – 3:00 pm
Workshop 2
3:00 – 5:00 pm
​Workshop 3


Level 2, PC2 laboratory
​AIBN building (#75)
The University of Queensland
St Lucia    4072
View the map.