Thank you for your patience and cooperation during this difficult time.
To make access to ANFF-Q facilities easier for both staff and clients, while still ensuring compliance with the 1 person per 4m2 social distancing rule, ANFF-Q is introducing a new booking process for the ANFF-Q UQ Site.
The new process will go live on Monday 1 June.
This new process removes the need for staff to approve user bookings. We have trialled this process in our AIBN Level 2E cleanroom spaces and both users and staff have been happy with this improved system.
New booking process:
- The facility will be split into sections.
- Each facility section will have a maximum number of people allowed; these ‘people’ will be represented by spaces which will be bookable in the ANFF-Q online booking database.
- Each user will have to book a space in the relevant facility section as well as book the desired instrument.
- To make sure both are available at your preferred time, we suggest you check both calendars, then book the space and then book the instrument.
- Anyone found to be using ANFF-Q equipment without the appropriate bookings will have their ANFF-Q access revoked.
You can still make your bookings using the ANFF-Q online booking database — as per usual — the spaces for each facility section will be listed under the new “#Facility Sections” tab on the Booking page. If you cannot see the new “#Facility Sections” tab, click on the “refresh resource list” button. If you still cannot see the new “#Facility Sections” tab, please email
For bookings in the L2E AIBN – Cleanroom Spaces, continue to book both one of the Cleanroom Spaces (CLEANROOM 1, CLEANROOM 2 or CLEANROOM 3) and your desired instrument.
All current cleanroom users should have received an email with details of this process. If you did not receive the email OR cannot see the calendars for CLEANROOM 1, CLEANROOM 2 and CLEANROOM 3, please contact
Facility Sections
The facility will be sectioned as follows:
Facility Sections | Max # of people allowed in the area |
L2E AIBN – cleanroom spaces | Total of 3 |
Class 10,000 cleanroom: | up to 3 (if other rooms are empty) |
— AJA RF/DC Sputterer | |
— Digital programmable hot plate | |
— DRIE | |
— Dry film laminator | |
— E-Beam Evaporator | |
— HF Etching | |
— HMDS Oven | |
— JEOL Desktop Sputterer | |
— KOH Tank | |
— Oxford RIE | |
— Photolithography – general and SU8 | |
— Photolithography – high resolution with AZ resist – TARDIS | |
— Piranha Etching | |
— XeF2 Etcher | |
— Zeta 300 Optical profiler/Film thickness system | |
Class 1000 cleanroom: | 1 |
— Dektak150 Profiler | |
— Direct laser writer – 5micron | |
— EVG Hot Embosser | |
— Mask Aligner EVG620 | |
— UV Light Source | |
Class 1000 darkroom: | 1 |
— Jeol IT-300 SEM | |
— Nanoscribe | |
L2E AIBN – PC2 lab spaces | 8 |
3D printer corridor: | 2 |
— 3D Printer – Titan 2 | |
— 3D Printer – Ultimaker 2 | |
— Asylum Research AFM | |
— ATR-FTIR Spectrometer | |
— NIKON Microscope | |
— Oxygen plasma cleaner | |
— Silanisation dessicator | |
— Spin coater (PDMS) | |
Cypher corridor: | 2 |
— Cypher AFM | |
— GPC Aqueous | |
— Litesizer | |
— SEM NeoSCOPE | |
— SurPASS | |
— Witec Raman AFM | |
Large darkroom: *No facility section booking is required for bookings in this area as there is enough space for the mandated social distancing. | 2 |
— Leica SP8 confocal LSM | |
— Zeiss 710 Confocal LSM | |
Plate reader corridor: *No facility section booking is required for bookings in this area as there is enough space for the mandated social distancing. | 2 |
— Plate Reader | |
PC2 main corridor: *No facility section booking is required for bookings in this area as there is enough space for the mandated social distancing. | 2 |
— Dicing Saw | |
— Wire Bonder – HB16 | |
Small darkroom: *No facility section booking is required for bookings in this area as there is enough space for the mandated social distancing | 1 |
— JPK Biological AFM | |
L2E AIBN – Office area | |
CAD bench – L2E AIBN: | 1 |
— PC CAD1 Solidworks L-Edit | |
— PC CAD2 L-Edit SW LinkCAD | |
— PC CAD3 L-Edit VASE | |
L4E AIBN | 3 |
Whittaker Lab – L4E AIBN – room 434: | 1 |
— Glovebox #1 | |
— Glovebox #2 | |
Whittaker Lab – L4E AIBN – room 441: | 1 |
— DMA | |
— Mettler Toledo DSC | |
— Mettler Toledo TGA | |
— VUV VASE Ellipsometer | |
Whittaker Lab – L4E AIBN – room 444: | 1 |
— GPC | |
— LC-MS/MS | |
Long Pocket – cleanroom spaces | 2 |
Open area: | 1 |
— Laser Cutter – Trotec Speedy 360 | |
— Oxidation Furnace – Long Pocket | |
— Vacuum Annealing Furnace | |
— Zeiss Microscope | |
Soft lithography area: | 1 |
— Oxygen plasma cleaner – Long Pocket | |
— Soft lithography – Long Pocket #1 | |
— Soft lithography – Long Pocket #2 | |
— Spin Coater (PDMS) – Long Pocket | |
All COPE labs | 5 |
COPE lab – L1 Parnell Building – room 110: *No facility section booking is required for bookings in this area as there is enough space for the mandated social distancing | 1 |
— B1500A Sem.Dev.Anal(rm110,Build7) | |
COPE lab – L1 Parnell Building – room 121: *No facility section booking is required for bookings in this area as there is enough space for the mandated social distancing | 1 |
— B1500A Sem.Dev.Anal(rm121,Build7) | |
COPE lab – L9 Chemistry Building – room 913: | 1 |
— Probe Station and B1500A Analyzer(rm913-COPE) | |
— Solar Cell QE/IPCE/I-V measure | |
COPE lab – L9 Chemistry Building – room 910: | 1 |
— COPE – Chembox | |
— COPE – Thermal Evaporator#1 | |
— COPE – Thermal Evaporator#2 | |
— COPE – UV / Ozone Cleaner | |
— Encapsulation Glove Box | |
COPE lab – L9 Chemistry Building – room 921: *No facility section booking is required for bookings in this area as there is enough space for the mandated social distancing | 1 |
— Four-point probe – COPE |
If you notice more than the maximum number of people in any of the sections, please notify ANFF-Q staff.
We have created a rough map of the AIBN L2E PC2 lab area to help users find the relevant facility section for their instruments of interest:
The following instruments will not require a space booking because their position in the lab is already isolated enough to ensure compliance with the 1 person per 4m2 social distancing rule. For these instruments, simply book as was normal before the pandemic:
- B1500A Sem.Dev.Anal (COPE lab – L1 Parnell Building – Room 110)
- B1500A Sem.Dev.Anal (COPE lab – L1 Parnell Building – Room 121)
- Dicing Saw (PC2 lab – L2E AIBN – PC2 corridor)
- Four-point probe (COPE lab – L9 Chemistry Building – Room 921)
- JPK Biological AFM (PC2 lab – L2E AIBN – Small Darkroom)
- Wire Bonder – HB16 (PC2 lab – L2E AIBN – PC2 corridor)
AIBN cleanroom space
To help track the number of people in the combined L2 AIBN cleanroom space, we have introduced a simple card system:
When a user goes into the cleanroom they move one of the cards from the top row (Outside Cleanroom) to the bottom row (Inside Cleanroom). When they leave they move it back up. This allows us to easily track numbers currently within the entire cleanroom space.
The card system is to the left of the cleanroom entry door, above the bootie dispenser.
Lab coats
To further minimise the risk of spreading COVID-19, we are also introducing a new lab coat policy:
- 1 lab coat per user per day
- when hanging up your lab coat ensure it does not touch adjacent coats
- place your used lab coat in the laundry bags provided at the end of each day
Once again, we thank all of our users for their patience and compliance during this challenging time.
If you have any concerns or further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact ANFF-Q Management or Staff.
Anthony Christian
ANFF-Q Facility Manager